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Automotive Tips from Tuffy Mesa: Serpentine Belt System Wear

June 9, 2024

The primary job of the serpentine belt for Mesa drivers is to provide important traction to spin the accessories. As the belt wears it loses some of its grip and the accessories may not spin at optimal speeds. For example, if your alternator doesn’t spin fast enough, the battery will not completely recharge while you’re driving and you could end up stranded around Mesa with a dead battery.

In short, a worn serpentine belt will stress all of the accessories it powers leading to premature wear and possible early replacement. When as little as 5% of belt material is lost, the serpentine belt cannot provide the proper traction for the accessories. Your friendly and professional Tuffy Mesa service advisor can inspect your belt for excessive wear and replace your serpentine belt system if it’s excessively worn.

Give us a call.

Tuffy Mesa
2035 W Broadway Rd
Mesa, AZ 85202

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