Keeping Your Cool (Water Pump Replacement)

September 15, 2024

No matter what the temperature is outside, it's important for your vehicle's engine to remain cool, calm, and collected. Well, cool, anyway. If your vehicle has a gasoline engine, it's powered by a bunch of explosions involving spark plugs, pistons, gasoline, and air. And the by-product of all ... More

Is Your Mesa Driving Severe?

September 8, 2024

People near Mesa, AZ, often ask Tuffy Mesa how often they should have a particular service done. It's a great thing to ask. You can look at your owner's manual or have your Mesa, AZ, service advisor at Tuffy Mesa look up your vehicle in a service database. What you find is often a surprise to peo... More

Differential Service in Mesa, AZ - What You Need to Know

September 1, 2024

Scratching your head? Don't worry, if you don't know what a differential is you will in a moment. That fact is that if you drive a car anywhere in Mesa, AZ, you have a differential. Whether your vehicle is front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive or four-wheel drive, you have a differential. Some Me... More