TCB your PCV (PCV Valve Replacement)

August 25, 2024

Your gasoline engine goes through some exhausting work. Yes, it's truly exhausting, as in: it produces exhaust! And when your engine starts behaving like it's exhausted, such as running poorly or getting lousy fuel economy, the trouble may be something called a PCV valve. Did you know it's a ser... More

Them's the Brakes (Brake Rotor Resurfacing)

August 18, 2024

Your vehicle's brakes wear out. It's inevitable. You'll notice it when you step on the brake pedal and feel it harder to stop, or there's vibration when you are braking. Most modern vehicles have disc brakes that each use a brake pad that press on a disc (disc brakes!) called a rotor. The fric... More

Know Your Towing Limits in Mesa

August 11, 2024

Some Mesa drivers figure that anything they can attach to their trailer hitch can be towed by their vehicle. Nope. If you're going to do any towing around Mesa, you should be aware of safety issues, AZ towing laws and potential liability.Understanding tow ratings is important for safe towing. A t... More

The Right Oil for the Season (Engine Oil Viscosity)

August 4, 2024

As the temperatures plunge, certain types of engine oil may not flow as easily as they did when it was warmer. Makes sense, doesn't it? Just like molasses gets thicker as the temperature goes down, engine oil does the same thing. So, maybe you're wondering if you have to change your oil as the s... More